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The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and is based on NHS recommendations. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider for advice on medical conditions or treatments.

What is Musculoskeletal Ultrasound?

Musculoskeletal ultrasound is a noninvasive imaging technique that uses sound waves to produce detailed images of muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and joints. It helps diagnose and monitor various musculoskeletal conditions effectively. At Spital Clinic, our expert radiologists use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure precise and reliable results.

This safe and painless procedure uses a small handheld device called a transducer, which emits high-frequency sound waves into the body. The waves bounce back from the tissues and are captured to create real-time images. Unlike X-rays, musculoskeletal ultrasound does not use ionising radiation, making it a preferred choice for many patients, including children and pregnant women.

What Can MSK Ultrasound Diagnose?

Musculoskeletal ultrasound can diagnose a wide range of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. These include tendon tears, muscle injuries, and ligament sprains. It is particularly useful for identifying issues such as rotator cuff tears in the shoulder or Achilles tendonitis in the ankle.

The procedure can also detect fluid collections, inflammation, and early signs of arthritis. Additionally, it helps in identifying nerve entrapments like carpal tunnel syndrome, soft tissue tumours, ganglion cysts, and hernias. At Spital Clinic, we ensure comprehensive assessment and diagnosis for effective treatment planning. Below is a list of MSK Scans we offer at Spital Clinic:

  • Elbow & Forearm - £150
  • Hip & Upper Thigh - £150
  • Knee Scan - £150
  • Shoulder & Upper Arm - £150
  • Foot Scan - £150
  • Wrist Scan - £150
  • How is MSK scan performed?

    To prepare for a musculoskeletal ultrasound, wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Depending on the area being examined, you may need to remove clothing and jewellery and wear a gown provided by the clinic. This ensures easy access to the area being scanned and avoids interference with the ultrasound waves.

    During the Procedure

    1. Positioning: You will be positioned either seated or lying down on an examination table. The position depends on the body part being examined.
    2. Application of Gel: A water-based gel is applied to the skin over the area of interest. This gel eliminates air pockets between the skin and the transducer, ensuring clear images.
    3. Use of Transducer: The sonographer or radiologist uses a small handheld device called a transducer. The transducer emits high-frequency sound waves into the body and captures the echoes that bounce back.
    4. Image Capture: The transducer is moved back and forth over the area of interest. The sound waves are converted into real-time images displayed on a monitor. These images are then captured as still images or short video loops for detailed analysis.

    Post-Procedure and Results

    After the ultrasound, the gel is wiped off, and you can resume your normal activities immediately. The procedure is painless and typically takes 15 to 30 minutes. However, the duration may vary based on the area being examined and the complexity of the condition.

    A radiologist, trained to interpret ultrasound images, will analyse the captured images. The radiologist will send a detailed report to the doctor who requested the exam. Your doctor will then discuss the results with you, explaining any findings and recommended next steps. In some cases, a follow-up exam may be necessary to monitor changes or evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

    Symptoms to check with MSK scan?

    • Persistent muscle pain
    • Joint swelling
    • Tendon pain
    • Unexplained lumps
    • Limited joint movement
    • Recurrent joint pain
    • Tingling or numbness
    • Muscle weakness

    Why Choose us?

    We provide a comprehensive range of services, from private GP consultations and specialised men's and women's health care to advanced ultrasound scans and proactive health screenings, all within a reassuring and state-of-the-art environment.

    Spital Clinic - Health Screenings Icon, Women's GP.

    Holistic healthcare

    Spital Clinic - Clinic Icon open 7 days a week.

    open 7 days/week

    Spital Clinic - Doctor Icon, Experts with 5 star rating.

    5* rated Specialists

    Spital Clinic - Easy Referral System Screenings Icon, Private GP.

    Easy Self Referral

    Frequently Asked Questions

    You have a question about MSK Ultrasound Scan? We have an answer.

    What is MSK Ultrasound?

    MSK ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging technique using high-frequency sound waves to visualise muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. It provides real-time, dynamic images of the musculoskeletal system. This non-invasive method helps diagnose various conditions like tendon tears, arthritis, and soft tissue injuries. Your GP or specialist may recommend MSK ultrasound to investigate pain or swelling. It's particularly useful for assessing movement-related issues in joints and soft tissues.

    How does MSK Ultrasound differ from other imaging techniques?

    MSK ultrasound offers several advantages over other imaging methods. Unlike X-rays or CT scans, it doesn't use radiation. It provides real-time, dynamic images, allowing assessment of structures during movement. MSK ultrasound is often more cost-effective and accessible than MRI. It's particularly effective for examining superficial structures. Your healthcare provider can explain why MSK ultrasound might be preferred for your specific condition. They'll discuss its benefits and limitations compared to other imaging options.

    Is MSK Ultrasound painful or invasive?

    MSK ultrasound is a non-invasive and typically painless procedure. The sonographer applies gel to your skin and moves a handheld device over the area. You may feel slight pressure but shouldn't experience pain. If the examined area is already painful, you might feel some discomfort. The procedure doesn't require needles or incisions. Your healthcare provider can address any concerns about the ultrasound process. They'll ensure you're comfortable throughout the examination.

    What conditions can MSK Ultrasound diagnose?

    MSK ultrasound can diagnose a wide range of conditions. These include tendon and ligament tears, muscle strains, joint effusions, and bursitis. It's effective for identifying rotator cuff injuries, tennis elbow, and Achilles tendonitis. MSK ultrasound can also detect early signs of rheumatoid arthritis. Your GP or specialist will explain how MSK ultrasound can help diagnose your specific symptoms. They'll use the results to guide treatment decisions.

    What Ultrasound Scan Types Are There?

    Vascular Ultrasound Scans: Aimed at creating images of blood vessels in the body, this scan assesses blood flow, detects blockages or clots, and evaluates the overall health of arteries and veins.

    MSK Ultrasound Scans
    A non-invasive imaging technique to visualise muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. This scan helps diagnose and assess conditions like sprains, strains, tears, and inflammation in the musculoskeletal system.

    General Ultrasound Scans: A versatile live screening technique that can be used to screen nearly every area and organ in the human body. Using various probes, we can penetrate different surfaces to provide insights into what is happening inside your body.

    Our expertise in these ultrasound types ensures accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning for our patients.

    Can I have an MSK Ultrasound if I have metal implants or pacemakers?

    Yes, MSK ultrasound is safe for patients with metal implants or pacemakers. Unlike MRI, ultrasound doesn't use magnetic fields, so there's no risk of interaction with metal devices. However, metal implants might affect image quality in the immediate area. Inform your sonographer about any implants before the scan. Your healthcare provider can advise on the suitability of MSK ultrasound given your specific implants or medical devices.

    How often should I have follow-up MSK Ultrasounds?

    The need for follow-up MSK ultrasounds depends on your specific condition and treatment plan. Some conditions may require periodic monitoring, while others might need a one-time assessment. Follow-ups can track healing progress or monitor chronic conditions. Your healthcare provider will recommend an appropriate follow-up schedule. They'll explain the rationale for any repeated scans and how they'll inform your ongoing treatment.

    What are the different types of Ultrasound Scans?

    There are several types of ultrasound scans, each designed for specific purposes:

    Abdominal ultrasound: Used to examine organs in the abdomen, such as the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidneys.
    Pelvic ultrasound: Used to assess the uterus, ovaries, and other pelvic structures in women, or the prostate gland in men.
    Pregnancy ultrasound: Used to monitor fetal development, confirm the due date, and detect potential complications.
    Breast ultrasound: Used to evaluate breast lumps or abnormalities detected during a mammogram or physical exam.
    Vascular ultrasound: Used to assess blood flow in arteries and veins and detect blockages or clots.

    What is the cost of DVT Ultrasound Scan in London?

    At Spital Clinic, a private DVT Ultrasound Scan with our expert sonographers costs £190. We are open 7 days a week and can offer morning, day and evening appointments. If you are using private health insurance, please call the clinic to provide your authorisation number. To book, please click here.

    word around the street...

    According to verified reviews from platforms such as Doctify, TrustPilot and Google - 99% patients have a positive experience at Spital Clinic.

    Spital Clinic 5 Star Services in City of London. Reliable healthcare provider.

    "Great experience. Frustratingly we had 3 NIPTs come back with no result so had to do 3 blood redraws but thanks to LPC’s persistence we finally got a result on the 4th draw. After the 3rd no result they also kindly offered us a free anomaly scan."



    Spital Clinic 5 Star Services in City of London. Reliable healthcare provider.

    "I had a surprisingly positive experience. The most friendly and helpful staff, clean and beautiful premises. The visit was smooth and quick but never felt rushed and I was able to ask all the questions I had. Thanks so much!"



    Spital Clinic 5 Star Services in City of London. Reliable healthcare provider.

    "The service was exceptional from the moment we booked to the moment we left the building post our appointment. The lovely colleagues at the main desk were great and approachable. They made the whole process very comforting."

    Rikesh Kerai


    Spital Clinic 5 Star Services in City of London. Reliable healthcare provider.

    "I really recommend this clinic, everything was smooth and perfect. All staff are helpful and our sonographer Miss Shaz is an expert on her job, she is very kind and explained everything that we asked. I am glad to choose LPC."

    Damla Kuvet


    Schedule appointment with our doctor now!

    Our medical centre is at 36 Spital Square, E1 6DY, City of London.