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The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and is based on NHS recommendations. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider for advice on medical conditions or treatments.

what is Genetic Counselling?

Genetic counselling is a service that provides information and support to individuals and families who may be at risk for genetic conditions. Our genetic counsellors help you understand your genetic health, the implications of genetic testing, and the potential impact on your family. This personalised approach ensures you are fully informed and supported throughout the process.

At Spital Clinic, our genetic counselling services include pre-test counselling, post-test counselling, and ongoing support. Our experienced genetic counsellors work closely with you to develop a personalised plan that addresses your specific concerns and needs. Whether you're planning a pregnancy, have a family history of genetic conditions, or have received abnormal test results, we are here to help.

Why Choose Genetic Counselling?

  • Understanding hereditary conditions
  • Planning for a healthy pregnancy
  • Managing a known genetic condition
  • Assessing risks for hereditary cancers
  • Evaluating the need for further testing
  • Providing emotional support and guidance
  • Making informed decisions about your health
  • Clarifying complex genetic information
  • Avoiding unnecessary tests
  • Ensuring the best care for your family
  • How is Genetic Counselling Conducted?

    Genetic counselling at Spital Clinic involves an initial appointment where your genetic counsellor will ask about your medical history and review any relevant medical records. They will then recommend a personalised plan, which may include genetic testing or a treatment plan. Once any tests are completed, your genetic counsellor will discuss the results with you and develop a comprehensive plan to manage your genetic health.

    Throughout the process, our genetic counsellors provide continuous support and education. We help you understand the results, the implications for your health, and the options available to you. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and support needed to make informed decisions about your genetic health.

    How Does Genetic Counselling Affect Your Life?

    Risk factors for genetic conditions include a family history of genetic disorders, certain ethnic backgrounds, and specific medical conditions. Environmental factors and lifestyle choices can also play a role. Understanding your risk factors through genetic counselling can help you take proactive steps to manage your health.

    Genetic counselling can have a profound impact on your life. It provides clarity and understanding about your genetic health, helping you make informed decisions about your future. With the support of our genetic counsellors, you can manage potential risks, plan for a healthy family, and feel confident in your health choices. This proactive approach leads to better health outcomes and peace of mind.

    Common Genetic Tests.

    1. Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): Screens for common chromosomal conditions in the fetus.
    2. Carrier Screening: Identifies if you carry genes for certain hereditary conditions.
    3. BRCA Testing: Checks for mutations that increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
    4. Cystic Fibrosis Testing: Identifies carriers or affected individuals.
    5. Preconception Screening: Evaluates genetic risks before pregnancy.

    what is a Carrier Genetic Testing?

    Carrier Genetic Testing is a medical screening process designed to identify individuals who carry genetic mutations associated with inherited disorders. This type of testing is particularly important for couples planning to have children, as it can reveal if they are at risk of passing on certain genetic conditions to their offspring. The test focuses on recessive genetic disorders, where an individual can carry a mutated gene without showing symptoms of the condition.

    By detecting these 'silent' genetic variations, Carrier Genetic Testing empowers individuals and couples with valuable information about their reproductive risks. It allows for informed decision-making regarding family planning and potential preventive measures. The test typically screens for a range of conditions, from relatively common disorders like cystic fibrosis to rarer genetic syndromes, depending on the specific panel used.

    What are the most common inherited genetic conditions?

    Genetic counselling can help diagnose a range of genetic conditions. Through a thorough review of your personal and family medical history, our genetic counsellors can identify potential hereditary conditions. Common conditions include Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and hereditary cancers. We use advanced genetic testing to confirm diagnoses and provide detailed information on the condition.

    1. Cystic Fibrosis: A condition affecting the lungs and digestive system.
    2. Sickle Cell Anaemia: A blood disorder affecting red blood cells.
    3. Thalassaemia: Another group of blood disorders affecting haemoglobin production.
    4. Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA): A condition causing muscle weakness and wasting.
    5. Fragile X Syndrome: A genetic condition causing intellectual disabilities.
    6. Tay-Sachs Disease: A rare disorder that destroys nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.
    7. Haemophilia: A group of disorders affecting blood clotting.
    8. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A condition causing progressive muscle degeneration.
    9. Huntington's Disease: A progressive brain disorder affecting movement, mood, and thinking skills.
    10. Phenylketonuria (PKU): A metabolic disorder affecting the body's ability to process certain amino acids.

    Carrier Genetic Testing screens for these and many other conditions.

    How it Works.

    Book Counselling

    1. Choose the best time for your appointment

    Book your visit at our City of London clinic, open 7 days a week, offering same-day appointments.

    2. Visit our Shoreditch clinic for a blood test

    Our highly trained phlebotomists will take your blood sample quickly and professionally in our private clinic.

    3. Receive your results and speak to your GP

    We’ll email your results and arrange a convenient phone consultation with one of our expert GPs.

    Book health screening

    Why Choose us?

    We provide a comprehensive range of services, from private GP consultations and specialised men's and women's health care to advanced ultrasound scans and proactive health screenings, all within a reassuring and state-of-the-art environment.

    Spital Clinic - Health Screenings Icon, Women's GP.

    Holistic healthcare

    Spital Clinic - Clinic Icon open 7 days a week.

    open 7 days/week

    Spital Clinic - Doctor Icon, Experts with 5 star rating.

    5* rated Specialists

    Spital Clinic - Easy Referral System Screenings Icon, Private GP.

    Easy Self Referral

    Frequently Asked Questions

    You have a question about Genetic Counselling? We have an answer.

    What is the difference between Carrier Genetic Testing and other genetic tests?

    Carrier Genetic Testing specifically focuses on identifying individuals who carry genetic mutations associated with recessive inherited disorders. Unlike diagnostic genetic tests, which look for genetic changes in people who already show symptoms of a condition, carrier testing is typically performed on healthy individuals who want to understand their risk of passing on genetic disorders to their children.

    This type of testing is particularly valuable for family planning, as it can reveal hidden genetic risks before pregnancy occurs. In contrast, other genetic tests like predictive testing or pharmacogenomics focus on an individual's own health risks or medication responses. Carrier testing is unique in its emphasis on reproductive risks and its potential to inform decisions about future pregnancies.

    How accurate is Carrier Genetic Testing?

    Carrier Genetic Testing is generally highly accurate, with most tests having sensitivity and specificity rates above 99%. However, it's important to understand that no genetic test is 100% accurate. The precision of the test can vary depending on the specific condition being screened for and the testing method used.

    Factors that can affect accuracy include the rarity of the condition, the number of known mutations associated with the disorder, and the quality of the DNA sample provided. It's also crucial to note that a negative result doesn't completely eliminate the risk of being a carrier, as some rare mutations might not be included in the test panel. This is why genetic counselling is an essential part of the testing process, helping individuals and couples understand the implications and limitations of their results.

    How accurate are genetic tests?

    Genetic tests are generally highly accurate, but no test is 100% perfect. Accuracy depends on the specific test and condition being screened. Some tests provide clear yes/no answers, while others indicate increased risk. False positives and negatives can occur, though rarely. Interpreting results often requires expertise from genetic counsellors or specialists. They can explain the significance of your results in context. Your GP can help you understand the need for genetic testing and refer you to specialists for more complex cases.

    When is the best time to get Carrier Genetic Testing?

    The ideal time for Carrier Genetic Testing is before pregnancy, as part of preconception planning. This timing allows couples to understand their genetic risks and make informed decisions about family planning before conception occurs. Testing before pregnancy provides the widest range of options if both partners are found to be carriers of the same condition.
    However, carrier screening can also be performed during early pregnancy. While this limits some options, it can still provide valuable information for prenatal care and future pregnancy planning. Some healthcare providers recommend carrier screening for certain conditions as part of routine prenatal care. Ultimately, the best time for testing depends on individual circumstances and should be discussed with a healthcare provider or genetic counsellor.

    Can genetic counselling predict all future health problems?

    Genetic counselling can't predict all future health problems. It focuses on specific genetic conditions with known inheritance patterns. Many health issues result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Counselling can identify increased risks for certain conditions but can't guarantee their occurrence or absence. It's a tool for informed decision-making, not a crystal ball. Your GP can help you understand which health concerns might benefit from genetic counselling. They can also advise on lifestyle factors that interact with genetic risks.

    How does genetic counselling support family planning?

    Genetic counselling supports family planning by providing information about inherited conditions and reproductive options. Counsellors discuss the chances of passing on genetic disorders to children. They explain options like preimplantation genetic testing or prenatal diagnosis. For those with known genetic risks, counselling helps in making informed decisions about having children. It can also address concerns about age-related genetic risks in pregnancy. Your GP can refer you for genetic counselling if you have family planning concerns related to genetic conditions.

    How can I prepare for a genetic counselling appointment?

    To prepare for a genetic counselling appointment, gather detailed family medical history information. Collect medical records related to any genetic concerns. Write down your questions and concerns about genetic risks. Consider what you hope to gain from the counselling session. Bring a supportive family member or friend if desired. Be prepared to discuss your personal and family health in detail. Your GP can help you prepare by providing relevant medical information and clarifying your health concerns. They can ensure you're well-informed before your genetic counselling appointment.

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    According to verified reviews from platforms such as Doctify, TrustPilot and Google - 99% patients have a positive experience at Spital Clinic.

    Spital Clinic 5 Star Services in City of London. Reliable healthcare provider.

    "Great experience. Frustratingly we had 3 NIPTs come back with no result so had to do 3 blood redraws but thanks to LPC’s persistence we finally got a result on the 4th draw. After the 3rd no result they also kindly offered us a free anomaly scan."



    Spital Clinic 5 Star Services in City of London. Reliable healthcare provider.

    "I had a surprisingly positive experience. The most friendly and helpful staff, clean and beautiful premises. The visit was smooth and quick but never felt rushed and I was able to ask all the questions I had. Thanks so much!"



    Spital Clinic 5 Star Services in City of London. Reliable healthcare provider.

    "The service was exceptional from the moment we booked to the moment we left the building post our appointment. The lovely colleagues at the main desk were great and approachable. They made the whole process very comforting."

    Rikesh Kerai


    Spital Clinic 5 Star Services in City of London. Reliable healthcare provider.

    "I really recommend this clinic, everything was smooth and perfect. All staff are helpful and our sonographer Miss Shaz is an expert on her job, she is very kind and explained everything that we asked. I am glad to choose LPC."

    Damla Kuvet


    Schedule appointment with our doctor now!

    Our medical centre is at 36 Spital Square, E1 6DY, City of London.